sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

ISN Leiden Board Games Club

On thursday I was in this club, that as It can be known from the name, It is a board games themed club. People there is absolutely nice. The organiser is very friendly as well as the participants.

There were a lot of games to play with such as dixit, train ticket... As soon as a group is formed the game starts, so if the game has begun before your arriving, you only have to wait until more people come to start a new game. When I arrived there, the first game had begun, so I wait for some people more. When it happened we start playing "train ticket". The game is about something you aren't going to guess.......Yes! Trains! The objective is to win as much points as you can by building train routes through Europe. The largest the route, the more point it worth. Also It is possible to gain points by reaching some objective described in cards. This objectives consist of build up a route between two cities (the card says which ones), and as well as before, the largest routes worth more points than the shorter ones.

We were five of us playing this game. Almost all international students. The person who explain us the rules, and who seems to be part of the organisers maybe, was the only Dutch in this group (but not in the room). He works in the Plexus too, so I guess he's very involved in events for international students. The other three people were a guy from Taiwan and two girls, one from Austria and the other from Germany. So as you can see this sort of events meet people from worldwide.

The game was very amusing and after finish it we were chating about our studies, food, country...
The Taiwanese guy have an English name. It seems to be something common for asiatic people, I guess because of the difficult names, although there are some Dutch names very difficult too. He was studying Economics and the girl from Austri were studying something related with biotech (just like me!). The German girl was into Law. Here in Leiden, the most prominent fields are Biotech and Law so it quite common to know people from these fields. In the residence I am living in, almost everyone is studying Law (Bachelor or Msc).

If you are in Leiden you should definetely go to this club, It is probably the best or one of the best clubs I've been from ISN. Nice people, great atmosphere and a lot of fun. As the other ISN clubs you only need to join to the Facebook group to be updated.

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