viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Den Haag

Last Sunday I visited Den Haag (The Hague) with our Russian buddie, who was our guide there, and my classmate. The first view was Den Haag Central station, which is absolutely illuminated thanks to the glass roof.

After we arrived to Den Haag, we went to see the city hall. It is an enormous white building near the trains station. In the ground floor it can be found cafés, shops and even a stand market over there.

After that, we went directly to see the parliament. In the path to there we walk into shoping streets and near of the Ministry of Justice, wich is just next to the current parliament. The following pictures are from the Ministry, It is a beautiful old building, with some sculptures on the facades.

This pictures are from the building next to the Ministry, the new Dutch parliament. It is a current and modern buidling, with glass facade.

Then, as I told you before, we visited the old parliament. This incredible place looks like a castle, with its own wall, giving the impersion of an isle or so. Inside the wall it can be seen a great square similiar to the Madrilian Plaza Mayor. You can see the entrance to the parliament and the parliament itself just below of this lines.

This is the place where the Dutch King (and the previous Queen before him) give their speeches in special days, such as Christmas.

Also It is here where the prime minister (Mark Rutte from the Popular Party for Freedom and Democracy in Dutch Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie, VVD) have his office, which can be seen from outside the square, It is in front of a lake.

As you may know, in The Hague is where It is located the Govern as well as the Royal Palace (the place where the Royal Family lives in). Therefore, we also could see the Palace, a white building smaller than what I thought, especialy when compared with Palace in Spain. However, It is only visible a part of it, so it could be that the Palace was bigger than its seems.

There, we went to the Escher Museum, located in a Palace used by the Queen Emma. In front of it there is a street with international office such as the Turkish embassy, Spanish office... There were flowers already and one of the most expensive and luxurious hotels in Den Haag.

Finally we had to return to Leiden at the end of a marvelous day with a fantastic host/guide, our friend Tat.

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