domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Escher Museum

In Den Haag It can be found the Escher museum, where some of his most representative pictures and some photos of him are shown.

Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) was a Dutch artist well-known by its impossible works. In them imaginary worlds or impossible situations are painted.

The museum is located in The Hague. The building is an old palace used by the Queen Emma. It is divided in three floors where not only Escher work is shown but also photos of him and games based on his paintings. 

Inside,  the most striking object are the lamps. They have quite impressive different shapes from the bugs of the groundfloor to the worldglobe, the vase or the pirate skull.

The price is not that high, about 9 euro for students, and worth a visitit, definetely if you're in The Hague you should go there and feel your mind blowing. It is placed in the following adress: Lange Voorhout 74, 2514 EH Den Haag.

Personally, I found it fascinating, amazing and incredibly joyful. I must say that I liked his pictures since I was in the school. Besides, there are some sets to take a picture pretending his visual effect as you can see below:

While visiting the museum it is also possible to learn about the building. There are some posters with the History of the palace, the Queen Emma, WW1... Two visits in one!!

On the top of that, the museum has just in fron of it a beautiful park near the canal where you can enjoy the good weather, the flowers, Nature, etc. And also some international office are there, such as the Turkish or the Spanish. Next to the museum it can be found a luxurious hotel, one of the most required by the well-known people.

Because of all these reason don't miss this terrific museum if you're around Den Haag.

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