jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

Let's cook a Quiche Lorraine

Today we are going to cook a Quiche Lorraine. The word quiche come from the Lorraine dialect (the language of the region called Lorena, northeast of France in the border with Germany) Küchen, which, in turn, has its origin in the german word Kuchen. Some dialects from the Franken region pronounce the 'ch' as 'sh' and soften the ü. Consquently, it is pronounce as kishe which is written quiche in French.

Quiche is a salted cake made of short pastry where a mix of eggs, milk and other ingredients are poured into. It is common to add powdered pepper and nutmeg to gain flavour.

Now, let's cook.

  1. The first step is to preheat the oven at 180ºC. 
  2. While the oven is heating we are going to prepare the short pastry. It should be extended on a container, taking in account that between both of them must be placed baking paper. After that some holes will be made because we don't want the pastry to gain volume. Then, with the same purpose, aluminium foil with some chickpea inside it has to be put on the pastry.
  3. When everything is prepared and the oven ready, the pastry is introduced in the oven to brown it.
  4. Meanwhile, the filling is prepared. In this case the Quiche Lorraine will be filled with bacon and onion, so both of them will be fried with olive oil. The quantity depends on how many bacon you want, in our case about 150 gr of bacon and one little onion.
  5. Also beat two eggs and pour into it about 150 ml of milk. 
  6. Add powdered pepper and nutmeg.
  7. When the mix is completely beated add the fried bacon and onion and mix a again.
  8. The short pastry should be removed from the oven when it is brown. In this point remove the aluminuim foil and pour in the pastry the mix of the step before. The filling must not overflow the pastry.
  9. Finally add grated cheese or goat's cheese (or the cheese that you prefer) on the surface.
  10. Then, introduce it in the oven again at 180ºC and wait until the Quiche Lorraine is junket. It can be observed by sticking a knife and confirm it get out clean.
 Now, you only have to enjoy it!!

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